Tomie is a horror manga series created by Japanese artist Junji Ito. The series was first published in 1987 and has since become one of Ito's most well-known and influential works. The story centers around a young woman named Tomie, who has the ability to regenerate from even the smallest piece of her body. Despite her seemingly harmless appearance, Tomie's beauty and allure lead to a series of horrific events that unfold over the course of the series.
The Tomie series is known for its gruesome imagery and themes of body horror, as well as its exploration of the darker aspects of human desire and obsession. Each chapter of the series features a different story, with Tomie often taking on different forms and personalities. Some stories focus on the characters who become obsessed with Tomie, while others explore the supernatural forces behind her regenerative powers.
One of the most notable aspects of the Tomie series is Ito's detailed and intricate artwork. He is known for his ability to create incredibly detailed and often grotesque imagery, which perfectly captures the horror and surrealism of the stories. His use of shadow and lighting also helps to create a sense of unease and tension throughout the series.
Overall, the Tomie series is a must-read for horror manga fans, and is a fascinating exploration of the darker aspects of desire and the human psyche.
Tomie is a horror manga series written and illustrated by Junji Ito. It was first serialized in 1987 and concluded in 2000, with a total of 20 chapters. The series follows the titular character Tomie, an otherworldly and supernatural entity who is endlessly reborn after being killed in various gruesome ways. Each chapter of the manga is a standalone story, with Tomie taking on different forms and wreaking havoc on the lives of those around her.
The Tomie series is notable for its use of body horror, psychological horror, and surrealism, as well as its exploration of themes such as obsession, beauty, and the fear of the unknown. The stories often revolve around a central male character who becomes infatuated with Tomie, only to eventually succumb to her destructive influence.
One of the unique features of the Tomie series is the way in which Tomie's appearance changes from story to story. While she typically maintains her signature black hair and beauty mark, she is often depicted with different facial features or even as a completely different person. This serves to emphasize Tomie's supernatural nature and her ability to manipulate and control those around her.
The Tomie series has been adapted into several live-action films in Japan, as well as a television drama series. It has also been translated into English and released in North America by Viz Media. The series has been praised for its originality, its unsettling imagery, and its ability to create a sense of creeping dread in the reader. It remains a popular and influential work in the horror genre.