------------Edeleweiss day custom blythe doll
Customizing a Blythe doll is an artistic process that involves multiple steps. Here’s a basic guide to customizing a Blythe doll:
1. Preparation
- Disassemble the Doll: Carefully take the doll apart by removing the screws in the back of the head, separating the scalp, faceplate, and body. Be cautious to avoid damaging any parts.
- Clean the Doll: Wash the faceplate to remove any factory paint, oils, or dirt using soap or a cleaning solution.
2. Sanding the Faceplate
- Use fine sandpaper to gently sand the face to remove the factory sheen and prep it for paint. This step creates a smooth surface for customization.
3. Carving
- Nose and Lip Carving: Use precision tools (like X-Acto knives or dental tools) to reshape the doll’s nose, lips, and chin. Carving adds expression and uniqueness to the face.
- Smoothing: After carving, smooth the edges with fine-grit sandpaper.
4. Face-up (Makeup Application)
- Pastels or Acrylics: Apply blush, lip color, and eye shadow using pastels or acrylic paints. Use a fine brush or sponge to blend the makeup smoothly.
- Seal with MSC: After each layer of makeup, use Mr. Super Clear (MSC) sealant spray to protect the work and add a matte finish.
5. Eye Customization
- Eye Chips Replacement: Remove the factory eye chips and replace them with handmade or custom ones. Use glue or a special eye mechanism to hold them in place.
- Change Eye Positions: Some customizers modify the doll’s eye mechanism to create new positions or change the angle of the gaze.
6. Wig and Hair Customization
- You can reroot the doll’s scalp with new hair using tools like a rooting needle or choose a custom wig.
- Dyeing Hair: For a unique hair color, dye the hair using fabric dye or acrylic paint diluted in water.
7. Outfit and Accessories
- Customize or sew clothing, or purchase unique outfits from doll designers. Add accessories like hats, glasses, or jewelry to complete the look.
8. Reassembly
- After all customization steps are complete, reassemble the doll, ensuring all screws and parts are secure.
9. Finishing Touches
- Check for any final tweaks or touch-ups. Ensure the doll is clean and presentable for display or sale.
This is a basic guide, but many customizers add unique techniques or personal touches to their dolls, making each one a unique piece of art.