In Monster High, humans attend a school for monsters in New Salem. These are the children of legendary creatures who also attend this school
The Monster High dolls are made by the company who also makes Barbie dolls. They have articulated joints and brushable hair, with Ghouls being female dolls and Mansters being male.
Dolls are released by series and range from a variety of different stylings. They may be found in sets for a playset and even with accessories. Most dolls are packaged individually, but some are found in multi-packs or otherwise included with other items.
The Monster High franchise includes movies, TV specials, video games and young adult novels. Often when these are released there is a corresponding series of dolls.
In order to fulfill demand, Monster High dolls from earlier series have been rereleased. These reissued dolls usually have different packaging, and they are only available in select retailers.
Monster High got a full reboot in 2016. It gives the dolls new face molds and leaves the focus on core characters. The slogan "How do you boo?" represents that it's okay to be different, embrace uniqueness and always be true to who you are.
Monster High released a new toy series called the Skullector. It is inspired by iconic horror movies, like Gremlins 2 and Beetljuice. These dolls are made with high quality materials, packaged as collectors items and have plenty of premium details.
In 2022, Haunt Couture in partnership with Monster High brings back the original dolls. They improved the dolls with classic outfits and all-new details.
With so many toys being released, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. Our goal at is to organize and catalog Monster High dolls, making them easier to collect and enjoy.
The new Barbie collection contains a number of lines with variant outfits, as well as a resident doll and line based on the movie. You can find the latest Barbie dolls in Toys "R" Us and Target stores nationwide.
The Zomby Gaga doll was created in a partnership between Lady Gaga and Mattel. Proceeds from the sale of the doll went to the Born This Way Foundation, which aims at individuality and self-esteem.
Ever After High is a spinoff of Monster High branded with movies and fairy-tales from all over the world. The franchise had to cancel plans to unite the two worlds, but now all future generations are allowed, allowing kids from both franchises to meet in "The Legend of Shadow High" book.
After a pause in updates, YouTube announced that the web series and toy franchising had been discontinued.
Mattel has announced their Generation 3 reboot of the Care Bears, which will likely release in 2022 with a TV musical and animated show.
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Specific tropes are explained on the pages in the recap section and individual character-specific tropes are explained on the character's page.