This is article will teach you how to make easy, needle felted fabric shapes with colorful wool roving and cookie cutters.
In a nutshell, needle felting is creating a fabric using wool such as Wool Roving and Barbed Felting Needles.
When I first moved on to the world of alpaca fiber, most people (including me) had never heard of wool felt much less needle felting!
When it first became popular, many people saw it as a hobby. But now it has become a regular craft for many people. I'm noticing little figurines and kits everywhere!
Needle felting is sometimes called a traditional folk art, but it's not old-fashioned or a craft of the past. In fact, it has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years as an artful hobby.
Supplies needed: Wool, Felting Needles, Cookie Cutters, Pads, Finger Protectors
You will need to rinse the wool and roll it up in a towel. Next, use a cookie cutter or other sharp object to remove the excess.
To felt, insert your needle and wool into the fiber, and pull it back out. Weave in felted fiber throughout, and continue along the edges until it's done!
Turn over the wool to expose the opposite side, and then repeat Step 3.
Continue felting until the wool becomes a piece of fabric that can't be pulled apart.
This tutorial will teach you:
As someone who might not know about needle felting, you might want to know a few things. First of all, needle felting is an ancient technique that has been around for centuries. In modern times it's mostly been used with wool, which is suitable for use in the winter because it can retain heat.
What materials do you not need?
Craft your creative project with our felting needles.
If you are an outdoorsy type, you might want to consider Wool or Wool Roving.
The felting pad is used in the wet-felting process.
We at Cookie Cutters are different than anyone else in our industry because we're total conformists. Not that there's anything wrong with being a conformist, but come on! Everybody already does what we do. What makes us special?
The Easy Way to Type on Touch Devices
Basic needle felting instructions
Roving the wool gets rid of loose fibers.
The first side is felted
The other side felt needle
The felting process
You use needles to felt or sew, don't you?
Do you want to learn how to do needle felting?
Can you needle felt onto any fabric?
White wool roving, a pair of blunt-tip felting needles and a basin of hot water are the three things needed to get started needle felting.
Updated on December 17, 2021 by Annette Browning
We don't just like great digital products, we also love working with founders. You'll see this in our personal and no-nonsense approach which includes preserving the culture that has made your business unique.
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Do you want to learn how to make easy, needle-felt shapes with colorful wool roving and cookie cutters?
Needle felting is a process artists use to create fabric sculptures using wool. The pieces are created using wool roving, and then barbed felting needles are used.
When I first started my journey into the world of alpaca fiber, most people (including me) had never heard of wool felting. Needle felting was an entirely new concept.
No matter where you look, it seems like everyone is making and collecting little miniature figures. I've seen kits and figurines everywhere.
The basic steps in needle felting are:
To begin, gather the following supplies: Wool, Felting Needles, Cookie Cutters, and a Finger Protector.
Put wool on a cookie sheet and use a cookie cutter to cut it
Stick a needle with wool on the end in and pull it out, pulling the wool back as you go. You can do this anywhere to create fuzz.
Turn the fabric over and repeat Step 3.
Continue felting until the wool becomes a piece of fabric that can't be pulled apart.
In this tutorial:
What is needle felting?
What materials do you need to get started?
Felting needles
Don't know the difference between wool and roving? Don't worry, we'll teach you more about both products and show you what their benefits are for your particular goods.
Felted Wool Pad
Cookie Cutters
These finger protectors are perfect for helping your fingers stay in good health.
This is a set of basic needle felting instructions.
Thin-out wool roving
On the first pass, pull out pieces of wool from the center of the felt, making sure to keep one side flat.
Clay felt the other side
This is so much fun!
Can you bathe an animal with baby soap?
This will not work with a sewing machine.
Is the needle felting process possible to do on any fabric?
This book is for beginners with needle felting. It provides step-by-step instructions with illustrations, photos, and materials list.
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What is needle felting?
Felting is the process of producing felt fiber, which is made by combining loose fibers, like wool.
It just means that you tangle the hair to form a matted piece. Similar to when you have a thick knot in your hair, it is hard to comb out.
Updated on December 17, 2021 by Annette Browning
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Please be advised that some or all of the links on this page are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase anything through them.
We're going to show you how to create easy, needle-felted fabric shapes with brightly colored wool roving and cookie cutters.
Needle felting is a needlecraft that involves making things with wool. It can get a little slow, but it's totally worth it when you're finished!
When I first started making products out of alpaca fiber, most people had never heard of wool felt before. And Needle Felting? It almost wasn't even a thing!
"An important part of style involves caring what other people think too."
"It's important to care deeply about how others perceive your style."
But have you noticed? There seems to be a resurgence of plastic modeling kits becoming popular in recent years. I'm seeing little figurines and kits everywhere.
two hands holding a sponge with an orange felted star shape
The basic steps of needle felting are:
1. preparing wool roving by shaving it into thin strips
2. shaping the wool using needles
3. stitching a design on the wool with one or more colors of wool
This DIY is awesome and it only needs four supplies: wool, needles, cookie cutters, pad. Protect your hands with a finger protector!
Distill wool and pour into a cookie cutter
Make a small hole with a felting needle and pull the wool in the direction of the hole. Repeat this all over the yarn and along the edges
Wool can be turned over in the opposite direction to create opposite sides. Repeat Step 3 to have both sides completed.
Continue felting until the wool becomes a piece of fabric that can't be pulled apart.
In this tutorial, we will show how to set up a basic landing page.
Needle Felting is a craft.
What materials do you need for _____?
This sentence does not make sense.
If you knit or crochet, Wool or Wool Roving is a great material to use in your hobby.
This is a sentence rewriter.
An integral part of any successful bakery is the cookie cutter. They make all the difference for any baked dessert and will have happy customers coming back for more.
Battery Operated Finger Protectors
Basic Needle Felting Instructions
The way wool roving is treated determines the fibers lengths and thicknesses. Use thinning to decrease the volumes of non-wool fibers, such as staples and synthetics
Felting the second side
Needle felt the other side.
In order to test out the felting process, knit a tight stitch and felt it.
What types of needles do you use?
Is needle felting possible with a sewing machine?
Can you needle felt anything?
Find easy needle felting projects for beginners.
Needle felting is the process of creating cloth or sculptural objects from animal fibers and blended wool.
Basically, when you produce felt, you're combining and compressing loose fibers (usually wool, but also other fibrous material), which produces a textile or fabric known as felt. It's not exactly easy at first glance....
This is the term for when you tangle your hair. You know, when you have a tangled knot in your hair that's hard to comb out? Same idea.
Needle felting is the process of matting the wool with a special barbed needle.
Dry felting is a type of felting technique because the wool isn't ever wet. Felting with soapy water and agitation is called "wet" felting. If you're interested in learning more about dry felting, check out this tutorial.
There are various types of needle felting. This tutorial is written for beginners. So, I'll teach you how to make a thin and flat piece of felt with wool roving.
How to Needlefelt (for Beginners)
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Felting is the process of matting wool by brushing and rubbing it in water. Needles are then inserted into the matted wool, which eventually binds the fibers together. When done correctly, felted garments should be perforated on the surface to prevent pillowing or pilling of fabric.
When I first started the adventure into the world of alpaca fibers, few people- including me- had ever heard of needle felting.
But have you noticed how popular crafting is becoming? In the last few years, I've seen figurines and kits everywhere.
A hand holding a sponge on Christmas time background
Supplies: Wool, Felting Needles, Cookie Cutters, Pad, and Finger Protectors
Thin wool and cut circles from it
It's easy to avoid shrinkage by felting your fabric. Just make sure you don't put any progress in the hot water. You can easily avoid shrinking or adding texture by felting the wool. Take a felting needle--you'll need one for every layer--and poke it in. Push and pull the needle back out, all over, and along the edges
Turn the wool over and continue to repeating Step 3.
Continue to felt until the wool becomes a piece of fabric that cannot be pulled apart.
Below is a complete list of this tutorial's content:
Needle felting is a form of textile work that uses needles to create a surface tapestry, called a felt. Needles are used to stitch wool fibers together in order to create an entirely new fabric, or an imitation of another fabric such as velvet.
What do you need?
Woolsmithing Supplies
We're here to help you choose which type of wool suits your needs. Wool is great for rug hooking and other crafts and lessons, while wool roving is great for dyes because it's thinner.
Felted Wool
Commercial Kitchen Appliances
Safety gloves for your fingers.
Needle Felting Instructions
Add Thickening Agent to the Roving
Felting the first side
I needled the other side.
To test the felting process, we’ll need to
Did you know that there is a needle specially made for felting?
It's important to know the difference between needle felting and sewing because they are two different techniques. Needle felting is done without the use of a sewing machine.
What types of fabric do you needle felt onto?
This is a guide for easy needle felting.
What is needle felting?
Felting is the process by which loose fibers, hair, or wool roving is combined and compressed. This technique produces felt, a textile or fabric with a deep pile that's soft to the touch.
It's when you tangle a lock of hair so that it stays matted. You know, like when you have a thick tangle that is hard to comb out? Same thing.
Needle felting is a process that's accomplished by matting the wool with a needle, which has barbs or notches on its end.
Dry felting is a type of textile finishing process where the wool never touches water. Compared to wet felting, it usually yields a rougher result with less detail. You can learn more about how to do dry felting in this tutorial.
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There are many ways to needle felt. This tutorial is written with the newer felter in mind, so I'll demonstrate how to make a simple piece of felt without wool roving.
We will shape these pieces by felting the wool inside cookie cutters. These wool shapes can then be used as patches, decorations, or Christmas ornaments.
The basic tools you need start practicing this fiber art are some kind of wool or wool roving, felting needles, cookie cutters (for making flat shapes) and some sort of underlayment like a felting pad or a very thick sponge.
Protect your lap and the table by placing a wool felt padding between them. This will also protect your felting needles.
The felting kit comes with everything you need to get started, such as needles and wool.
Things you might need
When you try to do an internet search for wool roving and keep running into blank pages, don’t worry!
Felting needles
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to take their creativity to the next level. With Cookie Cutters you can do just that.
If you need to clean your lint traps, here are two options: 1) a felting pad, and 2) a thick sponge.
Finger Protectors
Needle felting for beginners
Needle Felting is a type of needle work in which a fabric is created using wool, such as Wool Roving, and Barbed Felting Needles.
When I first began my adventure into the alpaca fiber world, most people (including me) had never heard of wool felting or needle felting.
Have you noticed? Crafts that involve teeny tiny figurines and kits are increasing in popularity by the day. I can't seem to go anywhere without spotting one!
hand holding a sponge with a felted orange star shape
Needle felting is a craft that's done by hand and starts with a handful of loose wool fibers. The basic steps of the process include, carding, brushing, main, and feeding your work back through the needled board.
Supplies: Wool, Felting Needles, Cookie Cutters, Pad and Finger Protectors
Cut and pull wool
Turn the wool over and repeat Step 3.
Felt the wool until it becomes a fabric that won't come apart when you tug on it
This tutorial will show you how to.
Not sure what needle felting is?
Need something for your blog?
This is a sentence rewriter.
Kids' felt board
Do you have an idea for a bakery?
Protect your fingers from injury with finger protectors.
Basic Felting Instructions
Slightly Stretch Wool Roving
Felting the the first side
Needle felt the other side.
Test the felting process.
Does the word "felted" make you think of regular needles?
How can you needle felt with a sewing machine?
What can needle felted fabric be sewn onto?
Whether you're a new or experienced needle felter, this easy-to-follow guide has everything you need to get started.
Click for Video
How Does Needle Felting Work?
Not sure what to do? Here's an easy definition: Felting is the process of producing a textile or fabric known as felt, which is produced when loose fibers and/or wool roving are wetted and compressed together.
A tangle just means a matted piece of hair. It's when your hair becomes tangled, and it's hard to comb the hair out.
Needle felting is a textile art either with or without an embroidery thread, where the fabric is created by matting fibers using a needle with barbs or teeth attached. This process can create any type of three-dimensional shape.
Dry felting is done using a padding machine, water, soap and an agitation device. This method is different from wet felting because the wool is never wet. In contrast, wet felting uses wool that’s been wet with water and soap to be felt. You can find more information about how to wet felt in this tutorial.
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This is a tutorial for needle felting that was written with the beginner in mind. I'm going to show you how to make a simple felt piece. It can be thin and flat or thick and detailed, depending on what you want it to look like.
With this craft, we'll shape the wool into shapes by pressing the wool inside cookie cutters. The wool shapes can then be used as patches or decoration for clothing, or you could make them into little Christmas ornaments.
To start on this wool applique art, you'll need some kind of wool (or wool roving) or felting needles to gather the ends of the fibers. You may also need cookie cutouts for flat shapes, and a felting pad or a thick sponge underlayment to support your work.
This is the perfect protection for your clothing, the table, and needles which are prone to breaking.
If you're new to the craft, it can be tough deciding what supplies to buy at first. Fortunately, there is a felting kit that has everything you need.
These are some of the things you might find in a
general office supply store. It's not just staples like paper, pens, and
pens. You'll also find items like name tags, staplers, tape dispensers,
humidifiers–they offer all sorts of materials for your office needs.
The roving on this fabric is made of twisted wool fibers. The fiber-lengths are generally longer than worsted length roving, but shorter than longwool roving. They will have a fluffy appearance and an irregular surface.
Felting of wool creates lofty, fuzzy and sturdy fabric.
Safety Gloves
wool roving needle felting kit
Felt Needles
The type of needle you use depends on the application of your felt. You would use a single needle for smaller areas and edges, or multiple needles for larger projects
Conversely, a felting tool is useful for large areas that would otherwise take a lot longer to fill in.
Updated on Wed, 18 Dec 2018
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Creating needle felted fabric shapes with colorful wool roving and cookie cutters can be easy and fun. Follow these steps:
There are four main steps to needle-felting:
Gather supplies for your project: Wool, Felting Needles, Cookie Cutters, and Pads. Make sure to use finger protectors when transforming woolen material into felt projects.
Now turn the wool over and repeat steps 3-5.
Once the wool has become a piece of fabric, you can stop felting it.
This tutorial:
Needle felting is the process of forming wool or other animal fibers into an even, solid shape. When you needle felt a piece, you sew from within the pelt in order to invigorate otherwise inanimate material.
Grooved Weaving Needles
Finger Protector Pads
Felting basics
It goes in flat, and so it comes out flat.
Wetting for the first side
Needle felted the other side
We'll figure out if you need to felt the process.
Do you know how to felt with a regular needle?
This is a question that comes up a lot, but the answer is no. Felting needles cannot be used in a sewing machine.
Yes, the only requirement is that your material should have some stretch in it.
Felting for Beginners
View Image
It means to frizz or tangle the hair. Ever had a tightly-knotted ball of hair? That's what tangled hair looks like.
Needle felting is the technique used to create wool sculptures. This technique is achieved by matting the wool with a special notched or barbed needle.
Dry felting is a form of needle felting that doesn't use water, soap and agitation. Wet felting is the process in which wool is tied onto a needle and then immersed in soapy water. Read more about wet felting here.
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The supplies below will come in useful
Wool roving is a textile process that utilizes wool fibers that have been carded, typically for spinning purposes. When textiles are made from wool roving and woven, the result is called felt.
Pollenex House
There are many different kinds of cookie cutters.
Felt pad or thick sponge
Finger Protectors
Our felting needles are your best bet for a needle felting project. Whether you're looking for wool roving or woolbuddy needle felting needles, we have high-quality products that will work perfectly on any woolen mat.
Felting needles
Depending on the type of felt you are trying to create, you would use either one needle or multiple needles. For example, smaller areas and edges may be better with just a single needle.
On the other hand, a needle felting tool is useful for larger areas because it holds several needles. So you can get those parts done much faster.
Please don't use when young children are present. Felting needles are sharp.
A woman hand holding a needle
This is a sentence rewriter.
The first step is choosing what type of material you want. This can be either raw wool or roving made from mohair or alpaca fiber. It's entirely up to you.
This is a sentence rewriter.
If you're just starting out as a felter, I recommend buying wool roving. It's prewashed and available in packs with many lovely colors for you! That way, you don't have to worry about buying a lot of one color wool.
This is a beginner guide on how to needle felt.
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Learn how to create easy needle felted fabric shapes using colorful wool roving and cookie cutters.
What the heck is needle felting? Basically, it's creating a fabric using wool such as Wool Roving and specialized needles.
When I started her adventure in the alpaca fiber world, most people (including me) had never heard of wool felting or needle felting!
It is quite surprising how popular it has become these days. I can see figurines and kits in every store I go to.
A hand grasping a sponge with an orange star shape
One sentence rewriter is not necessarily 100% what you need. You may want to use more than one.
Felting is a process of turning wool (or other animal fibers like alpaca and cashmere) into felt through the use of friction. So, this typically means that you're just tying, not needle felting.
Collect the necessary items: Wool, Felting Needles, Cookie Cutters, Sock or Towel
Thin wool and place it in a cookie cutter
You should place a felting needle inside the wool and pull it back out. Repeat this process all over the fiber, and along the edges.
Turn over the skin and repeat Step 3
Keep pressing your wool until you’ve created a piece of fabric that can’t be pulled apart.
Needle felting is a small, individualized crafting practice of textured wool. The fibers are scraped and stuck together to create needle-like shapes.
What's your budget and what do you have in mind?
These needles are perfect for wet felting.
Wool or Wool Roving?
A felting pad
Our cookie cutters are big, bold and make the perfect impression!
Thumb Protectors
Basic Needle Felting Instructions
"Let's thin out the wool roving"
Felt the first side
Needle felt the other side
Test the wool
Can you felt using a regular needle?
Needle felting can be done with a sewing machine, but it is more difficult.
Can you murrve felt onto any fabric?
For a beginner, it can be tough to know where to start. This guide makes the process easy.
View Video
Needle felting is a type of textile art, traditionally created by using raw wool. In an electric needle-felting machine, a barbed needle is repeatedly inserted into a bedding of wool. As the barbs work themselves through the fibers to gather them for sculpting, the tool gradually builds up the material and needle movement creates dents in the area that are being worked on.
What is felting? Technically, felting is a textile process that involves the combination and compression of loose fibers. It's used to produce felt, a kind of cloth with an uneven texture. It can be complicated, but I'll explain it in the simplest way possible.
A ponytail knot just means that you tangle hair and wrap it around, forming a matted piece. For example, if the inside of your hair was already twisted, the ponytail knot would be a little twist on top of that one. Got it?
Needle felting is achieved by matting wool with a special barbed or notched needle.
The process of dry felting means that the wool is never wet. Wet felting, on the other hand, relies on contact with water, soap, and agitation to create the fibrous mats known as felt. You can learn more about how to wet felt in this tutorial.
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Needle felting takes many forms. This tutorial will show you how to make a thin, flat piece of felt from wool roving.
Wool shapes are made by felting wool inside cookie cutters. These can be used as patches or clothing decor, but they also make awesome little Christmas ornaments.
The very basic tools you need to begin this fiber art is a type of wool or wool roving, felting needles, cookie cutters (for shaping flat pieces) and some sort of underlayment like a felting pad or a very thick sponge.
This will protect your lap from getting wet from hot water, the table from water damage and also the felting needles will be protected because they're prone to break.
To get started crafting your own felted creations, you can purchase one of our felting kits. The kit includes everything you need to make anything from coasters to throw pillows.
Useful Supplies
It feels like I'm walking on clouds.
Felt Needles
Cookie Cutters
Felting Pad or Thick Sponge
Finger Predators
Looking for discounted needle felting supplies? We have roving, needles, and kits to meet your needs at
This is a needle kit for feltmaking.
Felt can be created in one of two ways: with a single needle or with multiple needles. Bigger areas, for example, are best felt using many needles at once.
Though it is not as precise as a needle and thread, a felting tool is great for covering large areas because it runs on several needles.
This is not a craft appropriate for young children. Felting Needles are very sharp! Individuals under the age of 16 should not handle this craft.
A pair of hands clutching a needle felting tool
Wool or roving can be made from any animal's wool, from sheep to mohair. And it really is up to you how you want to go about getting the materials for your project.
When you're first getting into felting, start with wool roving. This is pre-washed and there are several packs of multiple colors available. That way, you're not stuck with a huge amount of one color wool.
Wool roving
First, you need a felting pad to protect whatever you're working on. Second, the needles will just go through the felt and into the pad, so it needs to be a durable material with something soft inside.
You can also use a large sponge as a scrubbing pad. This can be found at most hardware or automotive stores, which are inexpensive and easy to find. However, the problem with these sponges is that they aren't very durable.
If you're going to be doing multiple needle felted pieces, I recommend using a felting pad. They last longer and will likely be available at your local craft store or yarn shop.
The article "HOW TO NEEDLE FELT (FOR BEGINNERS)" has since been updated. Check it out!
Annette Browning updated this post on December 17, 2021.
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When I first started working with alpaca wool, it was hard to find information on how to use it. This is a tutorial on needle felting, the most popular form of wool felting.
At first, it seemed like a little-known craft that wasn't getting as much attention as other crafts. But now, I seem to see terracotta sculptures everywhere and kits for making them.
hands holding a sponge that has a felt orange star attached to it
Needle felting is an ancient art that involves using a needle and high-quality roving wool to create three-dimensional objects.
This is a list of supplies for felting. Items attempted in this list are wool, felting needles, cookie cutters, a pad and finger protectors.
Thin out the wool and place in a cookie cutter
This is called felting. Stick a felting needle in and pull it back out all over the wool, but especially around the edges to give them more stability.
Roll the wool over and then repeat Step 3.
Keep felting until the wool becomes fabric that can't be pulled apart.
In this Tutorial:
Needle felting is a textile form of art where long thin strands are inserted under loose wool or other animal hair fibers to create a three-dimensional article.
In order to make your personalized sign, you'll need the following materials:
This sentence rewriter isn't yet working.
This is a felting pad.
Basic Felting Instruction
Thin Out the Wool Roving
Felting the first side.
Needle felt the other side, really getting into it
Felt a test sample
Can a regular needle felt?
With needle felting, can a sewing machine be used?
Do you know if you need to use wool?
Felting for Beginners
To play a video, please click the following link:
Needle felting is a craft technique where you push wool or other animal fibers needle-first through a piece of upholstery foam with your fingers. The wool fibers stick together and stay in shape.
Felting is the process of producing a type of textile or fabric that has been woven from loose fibers, hair, and woollen strips.
When hair is worded, it means that you tangle your hair to form a matted piece. You know, when you have a thick tangle in your hair that is hard to comb out? Same thing.
The only way to create a needle felted artwork is by matting the wool with a special type of needle.
This is a dry felting technique because the wool isn't wet. Wet felting is just the opposite, where the wool is bent with water and soap. You can find out more about how to wet felt in this tutorial.
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Needle felting can be done in various ways. This tutorial is written with beginners in mind, so I'll show you how to make a thin piece of felt with wool roving.
Felting is a fun way to reuse wool. All you need are cookie cutters and water. We will shape the wool by running it through the cookie cutter, and then felt it in order to create shapes. One type of shape we may get is rugs or wall hangings, although we may also end up with patches or decorations for clothing. These wool shapes will also make great little Christmas tree ornaments.
To begin this particular fiber art, you need some wool or wool roving, felting needles, cookie cutters (for making flat shapes) and an underlayment like a felting pad or a very thick sponge.
This will protect your lap, the table, and also the needles you use for felting. They are very brittle and could easily break--it would be devastating if that happened to one of your needles!
You can get a complete felting kit that has everything you need to start, which includes all the wool required.
Useful Supplies
Stone Painting
We sell felting needles.
Provides cookie cutter shapes and templates to make it quick and easy to cut dough into different shapes.
It's important to use a felting pad or a thick sponge when you are wet felting.
The Woolbuddy is specially designed to make the felting process easier than before. You'll get a professional knitter's high-quality needles and a handy mat, so you can create your own needle felt at home!
When using needles tofelt, it is good to know where you are going to felt. Larger pieces can be felt with two socks, while smaller ones may require only one.
Since felt is a free–threaded fabric, you'll need to use a felting tool if your project is too large. With this tool, you can hold several needles and work larger portions of the design at ease.
Creating felt is a very personal endeavor, so choose the materials that work best for you. You can use raw wool or DIY yarn like mohair or alpaca fiber, or buy it ready-made from your local crafting store.
As a beginning felter, I recommend that you purchase wool roving. This is prewashed and you can find it in multi-packs containing many different colors. That way you are not stuck with a large amount of one color wool.
weaver's wool
A felting pad is a thick piece of soft material which has two main purposes.
First, a felting pad is positioned over your lap or the surface you're working on. Second, the pins have something soft to stick into which prevents them from breaking.
Instead of using one of those cheap sponges you can find at a hardware or automotive store, try using a thick sponge like the ones they sell at your local art supply store. They're great quality and held up well after many uses.
If you are going to be needle felting several pieces, I recommend using a felt pad to increase the lifespan of your materials. You can also usually find felted pads at craft stores or yarn shops.
blue, yellow, and red sponges with three needle felting tools
Ankona is a development company that specializes in the needle felt industry. We offer a wide range of felting tools & sponge (felting pad)
These are a few examples.
If you use a metal cookie cutter, your felt needles are more likely to break than if you used plastic.
Needle Felting (For Beginners)
Edited by: Annette Browning
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In a nutshell, Needle Felting is creating a fabric made of any wool such as Wool Roving and Barbed Felting Needles.
When I first started my adventure into the world of alpaca fiber, most people (including me) didn't know anything about wool felting or needle felting.
Have you noticed that it has been an increased trend over the last few years for people to make figurines at home? I've even seen them being packaged as kits in stores.
two hands holding a sponge. The sponge is also an orange felt shape with a star on it.
How to needle felt:
Gather supplies: Wool, Felting Needles, Cookie Cutters, Pad, and Finger Protectors
Place wool on a cookie sheet and slowly turn over
Once the wool is fully rolled out, pinch the end and fold it up, in a strip. Run a felting needle over it to secure the strip together then continue down the length of the fabric.
Turn the wool over and repeat Step 3
Continue to pre-felt the wool until it becomes a piece of fabric that can't be pulled apart.
This Tutorial will teach you how to:
Needle felting is a great way to turn natural and non-traditional fibers into 3D sculptures using just a sewing needle and small barbed cushion.
What are the requirements?
These needles are specially designed for felting wool and other animal fibers.
Wool or wool roving
Felting pad
Market research reports
Protect your fingers!
Need to learn how to needle felt? These basic instructions will show you the simple steps.
Thin out the wool roving
After felting the first side
Needle felt the other side gently.
Test the feeling of felting
Do you know how to felt with a regular needle?
Can needle felting be done by a sewing machine?
What should I use to needle felt?
Easy Needle Felting for Beginners
Click on the video to watch.
What is needle felting?
We do what we do because we want to. We create hats and coat collars that are rich in texture and beautiful colors, like the colors of autumn.
Be careful because when you use the word "mat" in this context, it has a different meaning. Temples might be sacred but hair mats are an issue that many people face. When you wash your hair and it tangles up into thick pieces, you're left with an unsightly mess that's often hard to comb out. The same happens with stock market prices.
This process is achieved through the use of a barbed or notched felting needle.
It is a dry felting process, because the wool is never wet, unlike wet felting which requires agitation in a mixture of water, soap and scrubbing. You can learn more about how to do wet felting by following this tutorial.
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Whether you're just starting out or an experienced needle felter, there are a variety of techniques you can use. This tutorial is written from the perspective of beginners, so I'll show you how to make a basic flat piece of wool felt with roving.
We'll shape these pieces through the wool felt process. Once it's done, our felted wool shapes can be used as patches or decoration on clothing. These little ornaments also make great Christmas decorations.
Here's a little about what you'll need to get started with this fiber art. It's simple, really. In order to craft, you'll need some sorts of wool or wool roving, felting needles for stitching your works together, and cookie cutters for making flat shapes. You'll also need an underlayment that can either be a felting pad or something of equal thickness and density.
This will keep your lap and the table safe, as well as the felting needles that are prone to breaking.
You can also buy the Felting Kit and start felting wool this very day. The kit includes everything you need, from supplies to instructions.
This is a supply list.
A wool roving is a long, thick but loosely spun length of wool textile. Wool rovings are often made into yarn or used as stuffing for upholstery, insulation, and other purposes
Felting needles
You can use either a felting pad or a thick sponge to create texture in your yarn.
Needle Felting Wool Needle Felting Kit Woolbuddy Needle Felting Woolen Mat wool roving felting needles
Needles for Felting
Felt, with either a single needle or multiple needles, is used for different tasks. For example, one needle can be used for more intricate stitching, while multiple needles are better for large areas.
Alternatively, a felting tool is perfect for larger areas as it holds many needles and you can complete those bits much quicker.
CAUTION! These needles are extremely sharp!
A hand holding a needle felting tool
Wool or wool roving
Think of some form of wool, like raw sheep wool or fancy mohair or alpaca fiber. It's completely up to you.
As a beginning felter, I recommend purchasing wool roving in multi packs. This is prewashed and you can find many different colors. That way you're not spoiled with one kind of wool.
A felting pad is simply a large piece of soft material that has two main purposes.
The first thing you do when felting is to cover whatever you're working on with a felting pad. This protects your table or lap from wool unraveling and it gives the felting needles something soft to stick into for less breakage of them.
In this situation, it would be best to use a sponge like the kind you'll find at a hardware or auto parts store. They're cheap and easy to find, but the downside is the sponges usually don't hold up well after several uses.
Always use a felting pad if you plan on making more than one needle felted piece. They last longer and you're likely to find one in your local store.
Yellow sponge with two needle felting tools
These are some tools you'll need to do needle felting:
-A thin wooden or plastic dowel, some sort of pen, or a needle and thread
-Safety glasses or goggles
-A ball of wool
-A sponge (felting pad)
Bake cake in the shape of a unicorn
It's best to use a different type of utensil instead of a felting needle in order to cut plastic cookie cutters. Felting needles are much more fragile, so you run the risk of breaking it if you're trying to cut metal cookie cutters when you should be cutting plastic ones.
These four brightly colored cookie cutters are fun and make baking so much easier!
How to Needlefelt with Cookie Cutters
Protecting your fingers while you crochet is easy with these finger protectors.
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2021
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Disclosures: You must be 18 or older to enter and purchase. Restrictions apply.
Learn how to create easy, needle felted fabric shapes with colorful wool roving and cookie cutters!
To put it very plainly, needle felting is creating fabric using wool, such as Wool Roving and specialized, Barbed Felting Needles.
Tonight, I'm going to show you how to make a needle felted alpaca. I share this DIY project with you because it's something I did myself when I first started exploring the world of wool felting.
The new trend seems to be mini figurines. I've seen them in kits and as a craft right now.
Hands holding a sponge with a felted orange star shape.
Step 1: Select a blanket, coat, or other garment to be felted
Gather supplies: yarn, needles, cookie cutters, felt, foam pad
Thin wool out with scissors and place it in a cookie cutter
You can make a good needle felt with wool, which is easy to get. You need to push the needle through the wool and back out again, over and over. With the needle, you should also go back and forth around the edges of the fabric.
Turn the cloth over and repeat Steps 2 and 3.
Keep combining wool until it can't be pulled apart.
This tutorial will do the following:
Needle Felting is a wool needle craft that uses unique shaped metal needles to create colorful and very loose sculptural effects. The effect of this needle felting is somewhat like a cloud-like "mossy" finish, as well as a different type of coloration technique.
What materials do you need?
Needles for felting
Wool or wool roving is made from the combed wool of a sheep. You can use it to make everything, from sweaters and socks to doorstops and pot holders!
Recently, _________ gained international recognition for his ____________.
These pretty finger protectors go over your pointer finger and thumb to make it easier to type on your smart phone!
Basic needle felting instructions
Detangle the Wool Roving
Felting one side then flipping the fabric to felt the opposite side
Needle felt the other side
Can the needle felting be done with a sewing machine?
We can stitch felt onto any fabric, no matter the thickness or weight.
Learn How to Quickly and Easily Needle Felting
It's time to start a Video.
Felting is the process by which loose fibers are combined and compressed to create an awesome textile, like felt. It's hard to understand even if you read it, right?
Tangles are just when you have a matted piece of hair. It's basically the same thing as when you have a thick cluster of hair that's hard to comb out.
By using a needle and barbs or notches, the wool can be mat to create fur.
The beauty of it is its simplicity. Unlike wet felting, which requires wool to be soaked in a soap solution and agitated with a material such as an item of clothing, dry felting does not require any water or soap. You can learn more about the process in this tutorial.
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There's more than one way to needle felt. This guide is written for the beginner, with simple instructions for making thin pieces of felt from wool roving.
We'll shapen these pieces of wool by felting them inside cookie cutters. These wool shapes can then be used as clothing ornaments, or even holiday tree decorations.
You don't need many tools to start felting. You'll need some kind of thick wool or wool roving, felting needles, cookie cutters for making flat shapes, and an underlayment like a felting pad or a very thick sponge.
This will help protect your lap, the table and also the felting needles that are prone to breaking.
If you want to start felt making with a kit, then you can be ready to go at any time! Our kits are complete and have everything you need for felting projects.
Useful Supplies
Weaving projects are one of the oldest types of textile crafts, with origins dating back to 6000BC. We rove wool and then weave it into a finished project.
Felting needles
This is a sentence rewriter.
If you have a felting pad or a sponge, you can easily create some simple designs on felt.
This pack of finger protectors provide grip and reduce the risk of injury in your toddler's hands. Great for any time you're on the go!
Felting needles wool roving (also known as woolen) woven mat needle felting kit.
Depending on what part you're trying to felt, you can use one needle or multiple needles. For smaller areas and edges, one needle is the best option.
In contrast, a felting tool is useful for larger surfaces as it contains several needles and you can get them done much more quickly.
A needle felting tool hovering over fabric.
Now you need to line the mill with roving, which is simply wool or fluffy fibre that is spun into strands. The roving can be raw sheep wool, fancy mohair, or alpaca fibre. It's entirely your choice.
As a beginning felter, I recommend that you purchase wool in the form of roving. This will make things easy for you because you will not have to wash it before every project. In addition, roving is sold in multi-packs which contain a wide variety of colors so you do not get stuck with only one color wool.
wool yarn
felting pad
All you need for felting is a felting pad and some wool or fleece. Take your wool or fleece and tease it apart between your fingers, pulling at the fibers until they're separated completely. Hold the fabric taut in one hand, and then rub it back and forth over the top of the pad.
First, a felting pad will protect whatever is under the wool - we recommend a table or your lap. Secondly, it gives the felting needles something soft to stick into so they don't break.
If you want to buy a new sponge, be sure to go to a hardware or auto supply store. You can find a cheap and durable rubber one that will do the job just fine. The downside is that you'll have to replace it every few uses due to wear and tear.
Needle felting can be used to make a variety of things, but you can only do so much needle felted fabric before it starts to wear out. If you’ll be making several pieces, I recommend using a felting pad. They last longer and are available at craft stores or at your local yarn shop.
A yellow sponge with two needle-pointing tools
Needle Felting Tools And A Sponge (Felting pad)
Left to Right: Number #6, Square, 9-Piece Set
Cookie Cutters
One of the most popular methods for making cookies is using a cookie cutter to achieve the perfect shape. For this, you can really use any type of cookie cutter, but be aware that felting needles are fragile and may break if they hit metal instead of plastic.
a set of four brightly colored cookie cutters
How to Needle Felting with Cookie Cutters
This article is about finger protectors.
Felting Needle, Wool Rovings, Felting Pad and a Cookie Cutter
Basic Needle Felting Instructions
When you needle felt, it's better to use as many layers of wool or roving as possible. Thin out your wool and create a stack of sheets about an inch thick.
Felting is a gradual process with many layers. You can always add more to thicken the piece, but it is hard to remove a layer once everything is felt thoroughly.
Updated December 17, 2021 by annette browning
Rewritten sentence with a disclaimer for validity.
Needle felting is a textile art that involves the use of sharp barbed needles and wool roving to create fabric.
When I first began my adventure into the alpaca fiber world, most people (including me!) had never heard of wool felting much less needle felting.
Needle felting is a process that only requires a few steps:
-Felt wool fibers until they're smooth, then wet them with water.
-Mix clay and the felt together in different ratios.
-Coil the mixture around the barbed needle, drawing the needle back and pressing it forward to slide it against the surface of the coil.
Collect supplies: wool, felting needles, cookie cutters and pad, finger protectors
Thin out the wool and cut it into shapes with a cookie cutter.
Find a felting needle and push it into the wool pill, then remove it. Repeat this process all over the surface and along the edges.
Turn the fabric over and repeat Step 3.
Continue to vigorously felt the wool until it has become a sturdy piece of fabric which can't easily be pulled apart.
Cookie Cutter
We're developing finger protectors!
This article includes basic needle felt instructions.
This is a sentence rewriter.
First, felt the first side
Needle did not feel the other side
Test the felting process
How easy is it to felt?
Needle felting is a popular form of wool needlework. You can do it on any type of fabric or canvas.
Felting is a great project for beginners.
The process of producing felt is pretty confusing. This is the process of combining and compressing loose fibers, hair, or wool roving into a textile or fabric that looks like this.
Webbing is the overlapping of hair strands to form knots that are hard to comb out.So, for example, if your hair has a thick knot in it? That's webbing.
Unlike other crafts, felting isn't accomplished by cutting or stitching the wool. Rather, it's done using a special needle to create small holes in the wool that cause it to bind and shrink.
Dry felting is a process in which the wool is never wet and all you need to do is rub the wool with soap, agitation, and a rubber mat. This method creates much more durable fabric than wet felting, which requires you to submerge the wool with water in order to felt it. To learn how to wet felt properly, check out this tutorial.
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Needle felting can be a fun and easy craft. This tutorial is written for the beginner needle felter in mind. I'm going to show you how to make a thin, flat piece of felt with wool roving.
We shape the wool by felting it inside cookie cutters. These wool shapes are then used as patches or decorations for clothing and other items, but they can also be used to make fun little Christmas ornaments.
This fiber art begins with some sort of wool, like sheep's wool, or roving. You'll also need felting needles and some type of underlayment.
The fabric will protect your lap and the table as well. Felting needles are quite fragile and break easily, so this is a necessary precaution.
If you're interested in learning to knit or crochet, you can purchase a felting kit that includes everything you need to get started.
Useful Supplies
Primary Advantages
Our felting needles are for needle felters, which is a craft that can require a lot of skill. They're only available in bulk, so make sure to get yours before they run out!
Our Newest Product
Hat Brush
This is a dangerous craft and should not be undertaken by children. This includes felting needles because they are very sharp.
This image portrays the shape of a needle, one that is often used when doing felting.
To get you started, you'll need yarn or roving. This can be in the form of raw sheep wool or fancy mohair or alpaca fiber. It doesn't matter what kind of yarn you choose, it's entirely up to you.
You don't want to be stuck with only one color of wool. I recommend getting roving since it is prefolded and has a wonderful assortment of colors.
Felt pads are used to produce hats and handbags.
A felting pad is a soft piece of material with two main purposes.
First, a felting pad protects whatever is underneath the wool, such as your table or your lap. It also gives the felting needles something soft to stick into so that they don't break.
The best option for this is a thick sponge like the ones you can buy at an automotive or hardware store. It's inexpensive and easy to find, but the downside is that these sponges don't hold up very well after several uses.
If you’re going to needle-felt more than one piece, it’s best to use a felt pad. They last longer and are easy to find in craft stores or at your local yarn shop.
yellow sponge with two needles
If you use metal cookie cutters, you're more likely to break your needle. Metal is harder than plastic, which means it will put more stress on the needle.
four brightly colored cookie cutters
Learn how to needle felt with cookie cutters
I hope these fingers will protect you, my dearest.
You will need the following to get started:
1. Wool roving
2. Paper clamps or scrap of wood for needle felting base surface
3. Bell-shaped pot candle
4. Jewelry belt sander with 100 grit paper
Felting the Basics
Needle felting many thin layers of wool is the best way to go. Generally, it's better to use more needles with less wool than the opposite.
The more layers of fabric you add to the felt, the thicker your piece will be. However, once it's rolled it's hard to let the wool shrink back and make a thinner piece.
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"To thin out your wool, use your hands to open up the roving (side to side) until it's just barely visible."
It sounds scary, but you won't hurt it. The only thing that can happen is that it breaks apart under the pressure.
Needle Felting for Beginners
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Needle felting is a fabric-creation technique that uses wool roving, as well as special, barbed felting needles.
When I first started my adventure into the alpaca fiber world, it seemed like most people (including me) had never even heard of wool felting, let alone needle felting.
In recent years, it's become a popular craft to make tiny figurines, and I can see why. They're cute.
someone is holding the sponge with their hands and a felt star in front of it
There are only a few steps to needle felting:
Supplies needed to felt: wool, felting needles, cookie cutters, foam pad with finger protectors.
Thin out wool and press into a cookie cutter
With a felting needle, stick it in the wool and pull it back out. Repeat all over the fiber and along the edges to felt it together.
Turn over the sheep and repeat step 3
Continue to felt the wool until you've created fabric that can't be pulled apart.
This tutorial will teach you how to
Needle felting is a combined process that involves weaving and sewing, giving it the name "needling". It's a great way to make some art or create amigurumi animals, or just play and experiment.
What materials do you need to create your project?
These needles, also known as a shear guage, are used in natural wool processing to create the desired thickness and resilience.
You can buy wool nets or wool roving from our store.
A felting pad is an excellent way to add a small, soft element to home decor.
Delicious Cookies
A finger protector is a small piece of plastic attached to the fingers of a garment, typically a glove or boxing glove, which prevents damage to the fingers when punching an object.
This article provides instructions on how to do basic needle felting.
Thin out the wool roving.
Felting the first side
Needle felt the other side.
Test the felting process to see what it does.
A regular needle will not work.
A sewing machine can't be used to do needle felting.
Needle felting is a great way to bring texture and personality to any piece of fabric.
Felting for Beginners: 5 Easy Steps
This sentence has been rewritten.
To make felt, AKA the fabric that feels great, you need to mix and compress loose fibers like wool or hair. If you're still confused, don't worry! Check out this video.
It's when you twist your hair into a matted bunch so that it won't move. It's the same principle as when your hair becomes tangled and is hard to comb out.
With Needle Felting, the needle is inserted into the wool with a "barbed" or "notched" needle to form a mass.
Dry felting is a method in which you make a wool felt by rolling and agitating it, rather than wet-felting where the wool is mixed with water or soap prior to feeling. To learn more about this type of felting, check out this tutorial.
Fiber Artsy is an online community for knitters, weavers, and spinners.
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There are many ways to needle felt. That's why this tutorial is written for the beginning needle felter. So, I'm going to show you how to make a thin and flat piece of felt with wool roving.
"Your Personal wording checker"
We'll weave the wool with a felting technique in order to shape our creations. These wool shapes can be used as patches or decoration for clothing, and they also make fun little Christmas ornaments.
Here's what you'll need to get started: • Content • Target keywords (Not provided)
In order to begin this fiber art, you will need the following: some type of wool or wool roving, felting needles, cookie cutters for flat shapes, and an underlayment like a felted pad or a very thick sponge.
Knitting needles are made of wood and are easily breakable, so it's a good idea to protect your lap, the table, and the needles themselves with a felted pad.
Felting kits are easily available in different sizes and price ranges. They come with everything you need to start.
These are felting needles and they can be used to create a variety of things such as hats, animals, and sculptures.
It's tough for a small business to stand out, but it's easy with our custom cutters. We'll help you create an individuality that will act as the driving force in your business' growth.
Felting Pad or Thick Sponge
Our finger protectors help your fingertips feel buttery smooth.
Felting needles, wool roving, and a Woolen Mat are the essential tools for needle felting. This is a fun hobby for people of all ages to work on their needle felting skills.
Felting needles
Depending on the area you want to felt, you can use either a single needle or multiple needles. Not only that but depending on the depth of felt you are looking for, multiples do a better job. For smaller areas and edges, just one needle is really all you need.
A felting tool is great for large areas of wool since it holds many needles and can be used to quickly complete large parts.
If you are looking for a craft that kids can safely do, this is not it. Felting needles are very dangerous--they can easily pierce skin!
To get started, you need wool or roving. You can buy it as raw sheep wool or more expensive fancy mohair or alpaca fiber.
I recommend purchasing wool roving either in a single pack or muti-packs as they contain many wonderful colors. When you buy wool roving, it is already pre-washed and you can find it in many varieties of thickness.
wool roving
A felting pad is a layer of gentle material that you place the sheets of fabric over. The two main purposes are to create a more even surface and to create a dryer environment.
sponge that has two needles sticking out of it
While you can use any type of cookie cutter, it's important to be careful with felting needles. They're more fragile and prone to breaking if they come in contact with metal instead of a plastic cookie cutter.
four brightly-colored cookie cutters
How to Needle Felt with Cookie Cutters
Finger protectors can act as a buffer between your fingers and injury or infection, helping keep you safe while your hands are in use.
Basic Needle Felting Supplies:
Needles, wool roving, felting pads and cookie cutters for crafts.
Needle Felting Instructions
Looks like you need help writing in English.
Assuming you’ve chosen to needle felt, the first thing you need to do is thin out your wool. As a general rule, it’s better to needle felt a few thin layers as opposed to one thick layer.
You can always add more layers to your piece if it's dry, but it's difficult to remove a layer once your piece has been felted thoroughly.
One way to thin wool is by opening it up, gently side to side, until it's thin enough to see through.
Don't worry about trying to pull too hard on this. You won't hurt it. The worst that can happen is that you'll get it under some tension, and it will partially split.
Two people pulling the wool off of an orange sheep
Getting started
# Shorter sentence
First, place one of the cookie cutters on top of your felting pad or sponge. Now put some roving inside the cookie cutter, making sure to get it into the corners.
If you are wearing finger protectors, now is the time to put them on. Now, you're ready to begin needle felting.
Needle felting, also known as wet felting, is a needlecraft that transforms wool into felt. If you're new to the art of needle felting, here are some great guidelines:
As of December 17th, 2021
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We at Computer Aid Services love real changes and are true leaders for the community.
Learn how to make colorful needle felted fabric shapes with wool roving and cookie cutters by following this video tutorial.
You might be unaware, but wire-wrapping has been in the past few years, and I'm seeing little figurines and kits everywhere.
A hand holding a sponge with an orange star-shaped felt.
This is how needle felting works:
Let's prepare:
- Wool,
- Felting Needles,
- Cookie Cutters,
- Pad and finger protectors
This little activity will help thin out the wool and make it easier to get into a cookie cutter shape.
Fold a wool piece in half and push a felting needle through it. Pull the needle backwards as it sticks out of the fabric. Repeat all over the fiber, also near any edges.
Turn the sheep to its other side and repeat step 3.
Keep felting until the wool is a piece of fabric that can't be pulled apart.
What is needle felting?
What materials do you need?
Felting needles
Did you know that felt made with sewing needles was traditionally used for hats & gloves?
Is needle felting possible with a sewing machine?
Needle felting is an ancient tradition with a modern twist. It's possible to needle felt onto any fabric — although there are some limits.
In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know about needle felting. Starting with the basics and moving on to more advanced techniques, this video tutorial will teach you everything you need to make your own creations.