Tomie is a horror manga series by Junji Ito that features the titular character, a beautiful and alluring young woman who has the power to regenerate herself even if her body is completely destroyed. The series is known for its exploration of themes such as obsession, desire, and the darker aspects of human nature.
The original "Tomie" manga series consists of nine chapters, each of which tells a different story featuring the character. The stories are not directly connected to each other, but they share common themes and motifs.
Some of the stories in the "Tomie" series include:
"Tomie" - The first story in the series introduces the character of Tomie and tells the story of a high school student who becomes obsessed with her after she transfers to his school.
"Photograph" - This story revolves around a group of college students who discover an old photograph of Tomie and become obsessed with her.
"Kiss" - In this story, a man becomes obsessed with Tomie after she gives him a kiss on the cheek.
"Mansion" - This story is about a group of people who become trapped in a mansion with Tomie after a landslide blocks the only exit.
"Revenge" - In this story, a man seeks revenge on Tomie after she humiliates him in public.
"Basement" - This story tells the tale of a man who discovers a mysterious woman chained up in his basement.
"Painter" - In this story, an artist becomes obsessed with Tomie and begins to paint portraits of her.
"The Gathering" - This story is about a group of people who come together to discuss their experiences with Tomie.
"Blood-bubble Bushes" - This story is about a group of schoolgirls who discover a mysterious plant that is connected to Tomie.
Overall, the "Tomie" series is a chilling exploration of the horrors that can arise from obsession and desire, and it has become a classic of the horror manga genre.
"Tomie" is a horror manga series written and illustrated by Junji Ito, which was first published in 1987. The series revolves around a girl named Tomie, who has the ability to regenerate herself even after being killed in various ways. This ability leads to her becoming the subject of fascination and obsession for many of the characters in the series, often leading to their own demise.
Each chapter of the series tells a different story about Tomie and the people who become involved with her. Some of the most notable stories in the series include:
"Tomie" - The first chapter of the series introduces Tomie and follows a high school boy who becomes obsessed with her after witnessing her supernatural ability to regenerate.
"Photograph" - A photographer becomes obsessed with Tomie after taking her picture and begins to see her in every photograph he takes.
"Kiss" - Tomie infiltrates a group of girls at school and uses her powers of manipulation to turn them against each other.
"Hair" - Tomie's hair is revealed to have the ability to regenerate into new Tomie clones, leading to chaos and destruction.
"Revenge" - A group of Tomie's former classmates plot revenge against her for the misery she caused them in school.
"The Basin of the Waterfall" - Tomie's true form is revealed to be a grotesque monster, and a man becomes obsessed with her after witnessing her transformation.
Overall, the "Tomie" series explores themes of obsession, desire, and the destructive power of beauty. Each story is a unique exploration of these themes, and the series has become a classic of the horror genre.